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Thank you for joining us!

NOVOTEST’s worldwide dealer network supplies and supports our products throughout the world.

Select the country you are interested in on the map and find the contacts of your nearest distributor.

If you haven't found the right distributor you can always send a request to the main office in Ukraine.

If you are interested in distributing our NDT Inspection Instruments, contact us via email or skype.

NOVOTEST’s worldwide dealer network supplies and supports our products throughout the world. Please contact us for the authorized dealer in your country. If you are interested in distributing our NDT Inspection Instruments, contact us via email or skype.

How to become a dealer?
For more information, please contact with us. Thank you!
Phone: +38 067 593 59 77
Skype: novotest_world

    For the contact with the head office, please fill out the following form!